Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 7 - Unit 2: Personal information

(To) speak

Can I speak


Talk to so about

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WECOME TO OUR CLASS!Teacher in charge: Le Thi Phuong MaiCOLORLucky Colors!2. Nguyen Nam/ 6 Nguyen Cong Tru1. Duy Ai/ 8531701Lucky Color!FromOldFarLiveTelephone numberUNIT 2Lesson 3: A6, 7 (p22,23)PERSONAL INFORMATIONUnit 2:Personal informationI/Vocabulary:- (To) speak :Noïi- Talk to so about sth:- (To) be back:Tråí laûi, tråí vãöNoïi våïi ai vãö âiãöu gç.- Who’s calling?:Ai âang goüi thãú?- Can I speak to...?:Täi coï thãø noïi chuyãûn våïi....âæåüc chæï?- I’ll call again:Täi seî goüi laûiWhat and whereSpeakTalkBe backCan I speak to...I’ll call againWho’s calling?Unit 2:Personal informationI/Vocabulary:II/Presentation dialogue:1/ Comprehension question:a.Who is calling?b.Who is answering the phone?c.Who are they talking about?d.Where is she at the moment?e.When will she be back?II/Presentation dialogue:1/ Comprehension question:g.When will Phong call her again?2/Give feedback:Unit 2:Personal informationI/Vocabulary:II/Presentation dialogue:1/ Comprehension question:2/Aswer given:III/Map dialogue:LanNga- Hello. ........... 8545545.- .......... .Is this Nga?-Yes..............................Who’s ............... .It’s Lan. Will ...... ......freetomorrow morning?- Yes. What ........................?- ................ the stadium.- What ..................watch?A volleyball match.Would .............................with me?- Yes.When ...........start?-4.30 ........meet .... .4.15. Where .......................?This’sHelloNga’s speaking.Calling?You beWill you do?I’ll go toWill you will ityou like to go towill we meetwe’llat.................. the Stadium.In front of OK!Unit 2:Personal informationI/Vocabulary:II/Presentation dialogue:1/ Comprehension question:2/Aswer given:III/Map dialogue:IV/Homework:Thank you for your attention!

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