Bài giảng Tiếng anh lớp 7 - Unit 8: A-Asking the way - Huynh Dac Hiep
New words.
railway station (n) :
souvenir shop (n) :
shoe store (n) :
Go straight ahead (phr v):
Take the first street (phr v):
NGO QUYEN SECONDARY SCHOOLEnglish 7Unit 8 : A- Asking the way ( A123 )Teacher : Huynh Dac Hiep1PostoFfice?1This word has 10 letters. We send a letter at a .2hospital?22. This word has 8 letters. When we are sick, we have to go to ..3movietheater?33. This word has 12 letters. We go to the to see a movie.6busstop?66. This word has 7 letters. We go to .. to catch a bus.4school?44. This word has 6 letters. We study at .. 5market?55. This word has 6 letters. We buy food and other things at a Vui ®Ó häcCrosswordTEAM A6543210TEAM B6543210Saturday, December 8th, 2012Unit 8 : PLACESLesson 1 : A. Asking the way (A123)I. New words. Period 45 :- railway station (n) :- shoe store (n) :- souvenir shop (n) :- Go straight ahead (phr v):- Take the first street (phr v):ADESTATIONSNAAHEADHSEOSHOEARIRAILWAYRIOVSUNETGHITARSTRAIGHTESOUVENIRTOTLAWSI Jumbled words:YPHOSSHOPRSEOTSTOREOGGOHF. Dong Xuan MarketE. National Bank of VietnamD. Saint Paul HospitalC. The Central Post OfficeB. HotelA. Hanoi Railway Station123456Name the places Prepositions of placebetweennext toin front ofto the right ofbehindoppositeon to the left of Prepositions of place:SUPERMARKETFACTORYHOTELBANKRESTAU-RANTSCHOOLBOOKSTOREPARKMARKETSOUVENIRSHOPMOVIETHEATERBAKERYHOSPITALTOYSTOREDRUGSTOREPOST OFFICEPOLICESTATIONMUSEUMSHOE STORESTADIUMbankpolice stationshoe storebookstorerestauranthotelpost officeschoolA: Where is the bank?B: The bank is between the hotel and the restaurant. It’s opposite the hospital.SUPERMARKETFACTORYHOTELBANKRESTAU-RANTSCHOOLBOOKSTOREPARKMARKETSOUVENIRSHOPMOVIETHEATERBAKERYHOSPITALTOYSTOREDRUGSTOREPOST OFFICEPOLICESTATIONMUSEUMSHOE STORESTADIUMa) souvenir shopb) shoe storec) hoteld) drugstoree) hospitalListen & writethe places :Saturday, December 8th, 2012Unit 8 : PLACESLesson 1 : A. Asking the way (A123)I. New words. Period 45 :- railway station (n) :- shoe store (n) :- souvenir shop (n) :- Go straight ahead (phr v):- Take the first street (phr v):II. Listen and write the places. a) souvenir shopb) shoe storec) hoteld) drugstoree) hospitalWhere is the souvenir shop? How can I get there?1. Who are they?2. Where are they?3. What does the tourist want?touriststudenta) Tourist: Excuse me. Is there a souvenir shop near here?Nga: Yes. There is one on Hang Bai Street.Tourist: Could you tell me how to get there?Nga: Go straight ahead.Take the second street on the left. The souvenir shop is on the right, opposite the post office.Tourist: Thank you.Nga: You're welcome.b) Tourist: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the supermarket ,please? Lan: The supermarket? OK. Go straight ahead. Take the first street on the right. The supermarket is in front of you. Tourist: Thanks a lot. Lan: You're welcome.Saturday, December 8th, 2012Unit 8 : PLACESLesson 1 : A. Asking the way (A123)I. New words. Period 45 :- railway station (n) :- shoe store (n) :- souvenir shop (n) :- Go straight ahead (phr v):- Take the first street (phr v):III. Asking the way. AskingAnswering Could you show me the way to the supermarket? Where’s the bank? Could you tell me how to get there? - Go straight ahead. Take the first (second) streeton the left (right). - It’s opposite the hotel. II. Listen & write. a) souvenir shopb) shoe storec) hoteld) drugstoree) hospitalA2. Tourist: Excuse me. Is there a souvenir shop near here?Nga: Yes. There is one on Hang Bai Street.Tourist: Could you tell me how to get there?Nga: Go straight ahead . Take the second street on the left. The souvenir shop is on the right, opposite the post office.Tourist: Thank you.Nga: You're welcome.b) Tourist: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the supermarket ,please? Lan: The supermarket ? OK. Go straight ahead. Take the first street on the right. The supermarket is in front of you. Tourist: Thanks a lot. Lan: You're welcome. Practice the dialogueswith a partner.SUPERMARKETFACTORYHOTELBANKRESTAU-RANTSCHOOLBOOKSTOREPARKMARKETSOUVENIRSHOPMOVIETHEATERBAKERYHOSPITALTOYSTOREDRUGSTOREPOST OFFICEPOLICESTATIONMUSEUMSHOE STORESTADIUM* Mapped dialogue:OK. Go straight ahead. Take the street on the .. It’s on yourThank you.You’re welcome.Could you tell me theway to the.?OK. Go straight ahead. Take the street on the .. It’s on yourmuseumfirstleftrightYou are hereTRUC LINHRESTAURANTAHMARKPHU QUY BAKERY Mapped dialogue:Could you tell me theway to the?OK. Go straight ahead. Take the street on the .. It’s on yourThank you.You’re welcome.BANKYou are hereTRUC LINHRESTAURANTAHMARKPHU QUY BAKERYBANKSaturday, December 8th, 2012Unit 8 : PLACESLesson 1 : A. Asking the way (A123)I. New words. Period 45 :- railway station (n) :- shoe store (n) :- souvenir shop (n) :- Go straight ahead (phr v):- Take the first street (phr v):III. Asking the way. AskingAnswering Could you show me the way to the supermarket? Where’s the bank? Could you tell me how to get there? - Go straight ahead. Take the first (second) streeton the left (right). - It’s opposite the hotel. II. Listen & write. a) souvenir shopb) shoe storec) hoteld) drugstoree) hospitalIV. Homework. Make a dialogue, using the street map (A3) to ask the way.GOODBYE!
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