Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 7 - Unit 8: Places - Period 45 - Lesson 1: A1+2
Tourist: Excuse me. Is there a souvenir shop near here?
Nga: Yes. There is one on Hang Bai Street.
Tourist: Could you tell me how to get there?
Nga: Go straight ahead.Take the second street on the left. The souvenir shop is on the right, opposite the post office.
Tourist: Thank you.
Nga: You’re welcome.
our class Welcome toABNSTATIONSNABANKHELOTHOTELKATMARKETTICOTFFELOHITAPHOSPITALKJUMBLED WORDS (places)POST OFFICETOTMERSSPIWednesday, December 5th,2012UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2(p79 +80)Monday, December 5th,2011UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2(p79 +80)I. New words. Monday, December 5th,2011UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2(p79 +80)I. New words. * Checking new words.II.A1. 1.Ha Noi Railway Station2.Dong Xuan Market3.National Bank of Viet Nam4.Hotel6.The Central Post Office5. Saint Paul HospitalEDCFBAEAFEDCBTouristNgaMonday, December 5th,2011UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2(p79 +80)III.A2. -Where is the souvenir shop? -How can I get there?Monday, December 5th,2011UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2(p79 +80)III.A2. a) Tourist: Excuse me. Is there a .(1) near here?Nga: Yes. There is one on Hang Bai Street.Tourist: Could you tell me how to get there?Nga: Go straight ahead.Take the .(2).. street on the left. The souvenir shop is on the right, (3).. the post office.Tourist: Thank you.Nga: You’re welcome.b) Tourist: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the (4)... ,please? Lan: The supermarket? OK. Go straight ahead. Take the ..(5).. street on the (6) The supermarket is in front of you. Tourist: Thanks a lot. Lan: You’re welcome.* Listen and complete the dialogues opposite, second , souvenir shop first , supermarket , right souvenir shopsecondoppositesupermarketrightfirstMonday, December 5th,2011UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2(p79 +80)III.A2. a) Tourist: Excuse me. Is there a souvenir shop near here?Nga: Yes. There is one on Hang Bai Street.Tourist: Could you tell me how to get there?Nga: Go straight ahead.Take the second street on the left. The souvenir shop is on the right, opposite the post office.Tourist: Thank you.Nga: You’re welcome.b) Tourist: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the supermarket ,please? Lan: The supermarket? OK. Go straight ahead. Take the first street on the right. The supermarket is in front of you. Tourist: Thanks a lot. Lan: You’re welcome.* Practice the dialogues in pairs.Monday, December 5th,2011UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2(p79 +80)III.A2. a) Tourist: Excuse me. Is there a souvenir shop near here?Nga: Yes. There is one on Hang Bai Street.Tourist: Could you tell me how to get there?Nga: Go straight ahead.Take the second street on the left. The souvenir shop is on the right, opposite the post office.Tourist: Thank you.Nga: You’re welcome.b) Tourist: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the supermarket ,please? Lan: The supermarket? OK. Go straight ahead. Take the first street on the right. The supermarket is in front of you. Tourist: Thanks a lot. Lan: You’re welcome.UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2Monday, December 5th,2011SUPERMARKETFACTORYHOTELBANKRESTAU-RANTSCHOOLBOOKSTOREPARKMARKETSOUVENIRSHOPMOVIETHEATERBAKERYHOSPITALTOYSTOREDRUGSTOREPOST OFFICEPOLICESTATIONMUSEUMSHOE- STORESTADIUM* Mapped dialogue:Excuse me. Could youshow me theway to the, please? Ok.Go straightahead. Takethe streeton the ..It’s on your. .Thanks a lot.You’rewelcome.rightleftfirstmuseumUNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2Monday, December 5th,2011SUPERMARKETFACTORYHOTELBANKRESTAU-RANTSCHOOLBOOKSTOREPARKMARKETSOUVENIRSHOPMOVIETHEATERBAKERYHOSPITALTOYSTOREDRUGSTOREPOST OFFICEPOLICESTATIONMUSEUMSHOE- STORESTADIUM* Mapped dialogue:Excuse me. Could youshow me theway to the /how to get tothe, please? Ok.Go straightahead. Takethe streeton the ..It’s on your. .Thanks a lot.You’rewelcome.UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2Monday, December 5th,2011* Mapped dialogue:Excuse me. Could youshow me theway to the /how to get tothe, please? Ok.Go straightahead. Takethe streeton the ..It’s on your. .Thanks a lot.You’rewelcome.=> Give structures about asking and answering the way. Asking – answering the wayAsking Answering*****Monday, December 5th,2011UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2(p79 +80)III.A2. : StructuresMonday, December 5th,2011UNIT 8: PLACESPERIOD 45 : LESSON 1 : A1+2(p79 +80)* HOMEWORK:- Learn by heart new words. Practice the dialogues. Do exercise A1/page 71. (workbook) Prepare A3,4,5 (Review: How far..? ; prepositions of position; places)The bye bye songBye, bye. See you tomorrow.Bye, bye. See you tomorrow.Bye, bye. See you tomorrow.Bye, bye. Bye, bye.
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