Báo cáo Rocks
Wind and water break down the earth
Bits of earth settle in lakes and rivers
Layers are formed and build up
Pressure and time turn the layers to rock
RocksTypes of RocksSedimentary RocksMetamorphic RocksIgneous RocksSedimentary RocksHow They are MadeWind and water break down the earthBits of earth settle in lakes and riversLayers are formed and build upPressure and time turn the layers to rockTypes of Sedimentary RocksGypsumSandstoneShaleLimestoneConglomerateMetamorphic RocksWhat are They?Rocks that have changedThey were once igneous or sedimentaryPressure and heat changed the rocks Types of Metamorphic RocksSchistGneissIgneous RocksWhat are They?Fire RocksFormed underground by trapped, cooled magmaFormed above ground when volcanoes erupt and magma coolsTypes of Igneous RocksGraniteScoriaPumiceObsidianRocks Have Been Used For Many Years and For Many ThingsRocks
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