Warmly Welcome to the North-East Regional Meteorological Center
5 588 000
population density: 80 in Cao bang, Lang son, 1200 in Haiphong, Bacninh
Ethnic minorities, such as Dao, Tay, Nung etc.
Warmly Welcome to the North-East Regional Meteorological CenterOverview GeographyOverview GeographyLocation: On the North-East of Vietnam, facing Bacbo Gulf,bordering with China 6 provincesArea: 27 320 square kilometersPopulation Population: 5 588 000population density: 80 in Cao bang, Lang son, 1200 in Haiphong, BacninhEthnic minorities, such as Dao, Tay, Nung etc. PopulationEconomy AgricultureDu lịch (tourism)industrialVăn hóa (Culture)Lễ hội (folk festival)Cảnh đẹpCảnh đẹpMón ăn (Foods)Khí Hậu (Climat )Tropical monsoon climate4 seasonsAnnual mean temperature is 17-24℃, Annual mean precipitation is 1500-2700mm, with the rain season from May to OctoberRain and typhoon season: May – OctoberMain Hydro-meteorological disastersHeavy rain, drought, flood, typhoon, thunder and lightning, low temperature, rimeMain Hydro-meteorological disastersMeteorological ServiceStaff total meteorological staff in NERHMC: nearly 340 staff with master’s degree and above:2 staff with bachelor’s degree and above: 100 Organizational Structure05 divisions50 stations5 Pro. Center Network24 hydrological Stn26 meteorological Stn5 marine Stn2 uper air Stn43 rain gauge1 rada StnWeather Forecast System Fcst division5 provincial centersHydro-Meteorological ServicesHydological forecastWeather forecastWarning of disastrous weatherClimate predictionAgrometeorologymarine meteorologyforest fire risk etcMeteorological information delivery: meteorological warningRadioTVNewspaperetcThank You !
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