Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 6 - Unit 6: Places - A.In the city - Bui Thi Ngan Ha
a store(n):
cửa hàng
a bookstore(n):
hiệu sách
a restaurant(n):
nhà hàng
a temple(n):
đình, ngôi đền
a hospital(n):
bệnh viện
a factory(n):
nhà máy
a museum(n):
viện bảo tàng
a stadium(n):
sân vận động
next to(prep):
kế bên
TAN BINH SECONDARY SCHOOLWELCOME TEACHERS TO OUR CLASSTeacher: BUI THI NGAN HALet’s observeKIM'S GAME00BẮT ĐẦU302928272625242322201918171615141312101109080706050403020100Let’s write what you see.21ParkLakeRiverRice paddyFlowersTreesLet’s check. Unit 6: PLACESPeriod 35: B. In the cityLesson 3: B.1-B.2-B.3-B.4 Saturday, November 9th, 2013 - a store(n):cửa hàng- a bookstore(n):hiệu sách - a restaurant(n):nhà hàng- a temple(n): đình, ngôi đền- a hospital(n): bệnh viện- a factory(n): nhà máy- a museum(n):viện bảo tàng- a stadium(n):sân vận độngVocabulary:UNIT 6 : PLACES – Period 35 - Lesson 3 : B.1 - B.2 - B.3 - B.4- next to(prep): kế bên''''''' MATCHINGa stadiuma restauranta museuma templea factorya hospital1326547a bookstoreUNIT 6 : PLACES – Period 35 - Lesson 3 : B.1 - B.2 - B.3 - B.4 *LISTEN ABOUT MINH UNIT 6 : PLACES – Period 35 - Lesson 3 : B.1 - B.2 - B.3 - B.4*True /False statements: a. Minh lives in the country. b. There are four people in his family.c. Their house is next to a e. Minh’s mother works in a factory.f. Minh’s father works in a hospital.bookstore. store.hospital. city. F T F F T F STATEMENTSGUESS CHECKUNIT 6 : PLACES – Period 35 - Lesson 3 : B.1 - B.2 - B.3 - B.4d. There is a museum near their house.factory. UNIT 6 : PLACES – Period 35 - Lesson 3 : B.1 - B.2 - B.3 - B.4 Minh lives in the city with his mother, father and sister. Their house is next to a store. On the street, there is a restaurant, a bookstore and a temple. In the neighborhood, there is a hospital, a factory, a museum and a stadium. Minh’s father works in the factory. His mother works in the hospital.* Read to answer true or false: B1 ( P. 65, 66 )*Complete the passage : B.2/p.66 a. Minh and his family live in the e. His father works in a b. On the street, there is a ., a and ac. His mother works in a cityrestaurantbookstoretemple.factoryhospitalUNIT 6 : PLACES – Period 35 - Lesson 3 : B.1 - B.2 - B.3 - B.4d. Minh’s is next to a housestoreWhere does Minh live?What is there on the street?Where does his father work?Where does his mother work? *Answer about Minh: UNIT 6 : PLACES – Period 35 - Lesson 3 : B.1 - B.2 - B.3 - B.4He lives in the city.She works in a hospital.He works in a factory.There is a restaurant, a bookstore and a temple on the street.UNIT 6 : PLACES – Period 35 - Lesson 3 : B.1 - B.2 - B.3 - B.4a.stadiumtemplehospitalb.restaurantstorefactoryc.parklakeyardd.hotelhousestreettreetemplefactoryyardstreet* Listen and write the words you hear : B.3/p.67museumbookstoreriver*Play with words: B.4/p.67I live in a house On the street,In a city.I live in a houseOn a street,In the city,Near a restaurantWhere friends meetTo eat.UNIT 6 : PLACES – Period 35 - Lesson 3 : B.1 - B.2 - B.3 - B.4Talk about you and your neighborhoodI live in the.....(city) on(Nguyen Thi Tuoi) streetThere is a(big store), a(restaurant), and a(rice paddy) near/ next to my house.There are(trees) and (factories) on the street.My mother works in a.(school)My father works in a.(factory)HOMEWORK : Learn vocabularies by heart.- Review and practice the lesson.Write 5 to 6 sentences about the place where you are living Prepare the new lesson: Unit 6 Lesson 4: C.1-C.2 / 68, 69.Thanks for your attention!Good bye !
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