Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3
Lesson 1
0bjectives (Mục tiêu) Qua tiết học giúp HS sẽ nói và nghe được các từ vựng của tiết.
Key language focus:
hello, hi, I, am, is, what, your, name, my
Hello, I am (Andy).
Hi! My name is (Kate). What’s your name?
SB/ p. 2
WB/ p. 2
Teaching aids:
CD/ tape
Cassette player
Cultural tip:
- Addressing a woman: Ms, Miss or Mrs.
- Make sure Ss understand that I’m and My name is are interchangeable
the class and do the actions Get other groups to observe carefully and say the correct commands Act 2: Simon says: Give the commands and ask Ss to do the actions Do the wrong actions so that Ss must concentrate in the commands Ask 1-2 Ss to give the command and the class do the actions Week 32 - Period 64 Key language Materials Key activities UNIT 4: LET’S MOVE Lesson 2 Key language focus: Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary: (Review) Homework Mess Sleep Dinner Wake up Watch clean Sentences: (Review) (Don’t) go to sleep (Don’t) do homework (Don’t) eat dinner (Don’t) make a mess (Don’t) clean up (Don’t) watch TV (Don’t) play the piano Resources: SB/ p. 34 WB/ p. 34 Let’s chant, let’s sing LG grammar and listening Teaching aids: puppets CD/ tape Cassette player Teacher’s Cards Classroom objects WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Act. 1: Review the commands: Simon says: Give the commands and ask Ss to do the actions Act. 2: Listen and repeat: Play the tape Ask Ss to listen and repeat PRESENTATION: Act. 1: Present the rhythm of the commands: Play the music (Let’s chant, let’s sing) Ask Ss to listen, repeat and do the actions Get SS to give the commands, clap their hands and do the actions PRACTICE: Act. 1: Practice the rhythm: Play the music (Let’s chant, let’s sing/ p. 19) Ask Ss to look at the book, listen and clap their hands Play the music many times and the class as a whole clap their hands and practice T (play the music): Go to sleep. à Ss (clap hands and say): Go to sleep. Act. 2: Give commands: Ask 2-3 Ss to come before the class, point to the pictures in SB Have the class give the commands (maybe use classroom objects) and do the actions S1 (point to the picture): Go to sleep. à Ss (say and do): Go to sleep. Act. 3: Match: Ask students to match the picture with suitable command. Act. 4: Write: Ask students look at the pix and complete the sentence. PRODUCTION: Act. 1: Game: Robot Model the game: T gives many commandsà Ss do the actions as robots. Divide the class into many small groups of 4 or 5 students Ss in the group take turns to play the role of the robot and the others give commands Week 33 - Period 65 Key language Materials Key activities UNIT 4: LET’S LISTEN Key language focus: Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary: (Review the whole unit) Sentences: (Review the whole unit) Resources: SB/ p. 35 WB/ p. 35 Teaching aids: CD/ tape Cassette player Teacher’s Cards Sticker Red scarf or handkerchief WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Act. 1: Let’s talk: Who said it? Write the conversation on the board, blind S1, and have S2 introduce S1 to S3. Ask S1 to give the name of S3. If S1 can’t tell the right name, (s)he asks S3 more. S2: Hi, (Ken). This is my friend.à S3: Hi, (Ken).à S1: Hi, how are you, (Anna)?àS3: No, I’m not (Anna) Act. 2: Let’s learn: Get Ss to make a circle, put their hands at the back, give S1 some pix and ask her/ him to describe them to her/ his friend. Act. 3: Let’s learn some more: Ask Ss to describe the people in some pix. Act. 4: Let’s move: Make a quick drill. Give commands and ask Ss to do the actions PRESENTATION: Act. 1: How to do a listening task: Stick 2 TC on the board, write letters A, B and circle them. Ask S1 to go to the board. T: She is (pretty) àS1: point to TC and circle A or B PRACTICE: Act. 1: Look and answer: Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book, listen to the teacher and answer T: Who is she? / Who is he? Ss: (answer) Act. 2: Listen and circle: Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and circle the letter A or B Play the tape again and check the answers. PRODUCTION: Act. 1: Ask and answer: PW: ask and answer about the pictures, and give commands with the pictures Act 2: Work book: Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or at home with weak Ss) Circle: Ss look at the pictures and circle the suitable word Circle and write: Look at the pictures, circle the right word and fill in the blanks Week 33 - Period 66 Key language Materials Key activities LET’S REVIEW (UNIT 3,4) Lesson 1 Key language focus: Singing Writing Reading Listening Vocabulary: (Review) Sentences: (Review) Resources: SB/ p. 36,37 WB/ p.36,37 Teaching aids: Puppets, dies. CD/ tape Cassette player Cards in different colors. Teacher’s cards and Students’ cards 33-44, 45-52, 61-68, 69-76, 53-59, . . WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Find your partner: give each student a card (2 Ss have the same cards), students will walk and find their partner which has the same card. PRESENTATION: Act. 1: Review songs: “This is My Friend” and “The Family Song” Ask Ss to open the book, listen to the tape and sing aloud. Act. 2: Review vocabulary: Let Ss to stand in a circle. Use the T’s cards to review vocabulary. Have Ss repeat the words several times. PRACTICE: Act. 1: Play a game: Ask Ss to open the book and show the page 36 in front of Ss. Ask Ss to look at the book and answer T’s questions: What is this?/ Who is this? What are these?/ Is this a (table)? What color is this?.... Ask Ss to work in pairs and give them some dies. Ask them to roll the die, move spaces and Ss have to recognize the objects they have. The winner will be the person who recognizes all pix and he/ she will get 1 mark for each correct picture. Act. 2: Ask your partner: Ask Ss to look at the book and work in pairs to practice the dialogue S1: Who is S2: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. Ask Ss to circle yes/ no after listening to the question. Act. 3: Say and act: T reads first: Here you are!/ Red. Ask Ss to guess what Lisa is going to say. Answers: Thank you! You’re welcome. What’s your favorite color? PRODUCTION: Review the 2 songs above: Divide the class into 3 groups to sing these songs. Week 34- Period 67 Key language Materials Key activities LET’S REVIEW (UNIT 3,4) Lesson 2 Key language focus: Singing Writing Reading Listening Vocabulary: (Review) Sentences: (Review) Resources: SB/ p. 36,37 WB/ p.36,37 Teaching aids: Puppets, dies. CD/ tape Cassette player Cards in different colors. Teacher’s cards and Students’ cards 33-44, 45-52, 61-68, 69-76, 53-59, . . WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Act. 1: Walk and Talk: Ss walk around the class in pairs, introducing to each other. PRESENTATION: Act. 1: Team game: Divide the class into small groups. Use the Ss’ cards 133-144. Each group will choose a card and describe its, other Ss have to guess what it is. PRACTICE: Act. 1: Answer the question: Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer. S1: Do you want.?/ What do you want? S2: (Look at the pix and say) Act. 2: Listen carefully: Have Ss look at the book and listen to the tape. Ask Ss to choose the correct answer. PRODUCTION: Act. 1: Pick and Speak: Call a student in random and ask him/ her to stand up Ask him/ her to point to a card and introduce: “It is a (bird). It can (sing/ fly). Ask the whole class to speak in chorus: “It is a (bird). It can (sing/ fly). Then it’s turn of the second student to introduce another one. Week 34 - Period 68 Key language Materials Key activities LET’S REVIEW (UNIT 3,4) Lesson 3 Key language focus: Singing Writing Reading Listening Vocabulary: (Review) Sentences: (Review Resources: SB/ p. 36,37 WB/ p.36,37 Teaching aids: Puppets, dies. CD/ tape Cassette player Cards in different colors. Teacher’s cards and Students’ cards 33-44, 45-52, 61-68, 69-76, 53-59, . . WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Act. 1: Ask and answer: Ask Ss to practice to ask and answer about the things they have in their school bag. S1: What do you like? S2: I like (frogs). S1: Do you like (rabbits)? S2: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. PRESENTATION: Act. 1: Commands: Use the T’s cards 125-132 Divide Ss into groups of 8 Each group will carry out the command in their card. PRACTICE: Act. 1: Write: Ask Ss to finish the word puzzle by using the names of things in the box. Answers: ACROSS: 1. dolls 10. nine 5. marker 12. zero 6. cassette 13. bat 8. bird 14. desks DOWN: 2. sneaker 3. spider 4. girl 5. mother 7. sun 8. boy 9. robot 11. ink PRODUCTION: Act. 1: Show and Tell: Point to a TC on the board and ask: What’s this?/ What are these? Get the whole class to answer: It’s/ They’re.. Week 35 - Period 69 Key language Materials Key activities LET’S REVIEW (UNIT 3,4) Lesson 4 Key language focus: Singing Writing Reading Listening Vocabulary: (Review) Sentences: (Review Resources: SB/ p. 36,37 WB/ p.36,37 Teaching aids: Puppets, dies. CD/ tape Cassette player Cards in different colors. Teacher’s cards and Students’ cards 33-44, 45-52, 61-68, 69-76, 53-59, . . WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Act. 1: Show and tell: Stick TC 33, 34, 40, 41 on the board Have Ss to ask and answer: What are they?- They’re (cassettes). PRESENTATION: Review the question and answer pattern. Use the puppets to teach the sentences. Puppet A:(point to the card ) What’s this? à Puppet B: It’s a bird. Puppet A:(point to the card ) What are these? à Puppet B: They’re frogs. Ask a student as puppet A, T as puppet B. Then change the role Divide the class into 2 groups, practise the sentences. Then change the role. PRACTICE: Act. 1: Uncramble, match and write: Ask Ss to rearrange the words, then write down the correct words in the blankets. Ask Ss to match the correct word with its picture. Answers: 1. birds 2. cats 3. frogs 4. dogs Act. 2: Connect, trace and write: Ask Ss to color the line to find the object and write the name of this thing in suitable sentence. Answers: I want cake. I want chicken. I want juice. I want fish. PRODUCTION: Guessing Game: Put TC in a bag Ask one student to choose one card (but not showing it to the class) and ask: What’s this?/ What are these? The student who has the correct answer will be the next to play the game Week 35 - Period 70: THE SECOND-TERM TEST
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