Who find the topic?

Did she have a stomachache?

Yes, she did.

No, she didn’t.

Yes, she was.


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classWelcome toTeacher: Vũ Tiến DũngToday’s topic lesson 5432startover1Did she have a stomachache?LFA. Yes, she didC. Yes, she was.B. No, she didn’t.A. Yes, she did.25:50:75Who find the topic?The boy had.LFA. a fluB. a toothacheC. a headacheA. a flu25:50:75Who find the topic?Did the man have..? LF25:50:75A. a coldB. a stomachacheC. a headacheC. a headacheWho find the topic?What was wrong with her?LF :50:75B. She had a cough.A. She had a toothache.C. She had a headache.A. She had a toothache.25Who find the topic?- a toothache- a headache- a flu- a stomachache- a coldkeep fit , stay healthyPeriod 70 : B4 ,5: ReadThe common cold Unit 11: UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHYPeriod 70 Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common cold- disease (n) :bÖnh/căn bÖnh - symptom (n):triÖu chøng - cough (v):ho- sneeze (v):h¾t h¬i - runny nose (n) :sæ mòi - slight fever (n) :sèt nhÑ - cure (v,n):I. New words :- catch (v) :chữa trị, trị bệnhc¸ch chữa , phương thuốc M¾c bÖnh-prevent(v):Phßng ngõa*Matching:1.disease	2. symptom3. cough4. cure5. slight fever 6. runny nose7. Sneeze8. catch a. sèt nhÑ b. ph­¬ng thuèc c. Căn bệnh d. TriÖu chønge. Sæ mòif. Hoh. H¾t h¬ig. mắc / nhiễm bệnhUNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common cold____ 1. A few people catch the common 	 cold every year.____ 2. There are 4 symptoms when you 	 catch a cold.____ 3. Some medicines can relieve these 	 symptoms.____ 4. We can’t prevent a cold.TRUE / FALSE STATEMENT PREDICTIONSManycanFFTTUNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common coldI. New words :II. Reading: Questions :a. Why do we call the common cold?b. What are the symptoms of the common cold?c. Is there a cure for the common cold?d. Do cold cures work? What do they do?	UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common coldI. New words :II. Reading: 123456123456Group AGroup B7891078910123465Lucky Numbers! How can you help prevent a cold ?Eat wellUNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common coldI. New words :II. Reading: How can you help prevent a cold ?Eat wellUNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common coldI. New words :II. Reading: Do exercisesDrink much waterWear hatWear warm clothes* help do sth: giúp làm việc gì đó Every year, millions of people catch the___________. The symptoms of the common cold are a runny nose, ________________, __________ and ___________. But nobody knows a____________. The medicine just_______________ the symptoms. To prevent a cold, you should _______________ and _________________ regularly.* Complete the summary:UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common coldcolda slight fevercoughingsneezingcurerelieveeat welldo exercises UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHYPeriod 70 Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common coldII. Reading: B4 (P112)III. Homework:Learn new wordsAnswers the questions to notebook.Tell the summary.Review No.3 test* help do sth: giúp làm việc gì đó- disease (n) :bÖnh/căn bÖnh - symptom (n): triÖu chøng - cough (v):ho- sneeze (v):h¾t h¬i - runny nose (n) :sæ mòi - slight fever (n) :sèt nhÑ - cure (v) :I. New words :- catch (v) :mắc / nhiễm (bệnh)Chữa trị, trị bệnhC¸ch chữa , phương thuốc Thank you for your attendance !Good byeSee you again !Because every year millions of people catch it.a. Why do we call the cold “common” ?They are : a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing.b. What are the symptoms of the common cold? No, there isn’t .c. Is there a cure for the common cold? No, they don’t . They relieve the symptoms.d. Do cold cures work ? What do they do? We can prevent a cold by eating well, doing exercise, keeping fit and staying healthy.e. How can you help prevent a cold?GROUP A is the winnerGROUP B is the winner“Prevention is better than cure”“Phòng bệnh hơn chữa bệnh” UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHYPeriod 70 Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common cold- disease (n) :Bệnh, căn bệnh - symptom (n):triÖu chøng - cough (v):ho- sneeze (v):h¾t h¬i - runny nose (n) :sæ mòi - slight fever (n) :sèt nhÑ - cure (v) : chữa trị, trÞ bÖnh (n): cách chữa,ph­¬ng thuècI. New words :- catch (v) :mắc / nhiễm (bệnh)Symptoms of the common cold coughing Symptoms of the common cold coughingsneezinga runny nosea slight fever UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Lesson 5: (B4,5) The common coldI. New words :II. Reading: Hold your nose and read this poem.I have a cold, a horrible cold.I cough, I sneeze, and then blow.Here comes another sneeze- oh no!Ah chooI have a cold , a terrible cold.My face is white, my nose is red.And I have a pain in my head. Ah choo!

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